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The TXT Hider

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The TXT Hider

An LSB2 Steganography Encoder / Decoder which hides plain text in PNG Images

Part 1 of the Steganography Made Fun! Toolkit

About the Project

TPM TMP Card StegDef

Steganography, although seems complicated is a very interesting process. It may involve studying the properties of the original message for better concealing of data. Encryption may also be employed before Steganography or Steganography may be applied to an encrypted message to make the data imperceptible

Image Steganography usually stores data in the LSB bits of the pixel brightness levels. 1-4 bits are used commonly where more the number of bits induces more noise into the encoded message. The amount of data that can be stored in a image is proportional to the resolution of the image.

Steganography Made Fun! is an Image Steganography Toolkit which makes Steganography enjoyable. The toolkit has three parts divided into three repositories:

Release Directory Structure

Repository Structure

Usage Instructions

  1. Just let things be where they are (relatively)
  2. For Steganography:
    • Place your target image in PNG or JPG or JPEG format with the file name image under the FILES\ directory
    • Type in your text in the text.txt file under the FILES\ directory
    • Run The TXT using the IDE of your choice or via CMD using the python "The TXT" command
    • Obtain the Steganographically Encoded PNG file in the FILES\ directory with the name image_stegano.png
  3. For Reverse Steganography
    • Place the encoded image with name image_stegano.png under the FILES\ directory
    • Run The TXT using the IDE of your choice or via CMD using the python "The TXT" command
    • Observe the decoded text on the command line interface



Acknowledgements and References

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